Optimising my clevrHome energy consumption
My personal journey to optimise my home energy consumption and maximise solar thermal and solar PV effectiveness.
My personal journey to optimise my home energy consumption and maximise solar thermal and solar PV effectiveness.
Even though there are energy shortages in many regions of the world, a lot of energy is still being wasted. Follow a 4-step structured approach to reduce energy costs and consumption by evaluating end-use, distribution, technology replacement, and renewable energy sources.
Optimise the cheese making process utilising low-cost IoT and machine learning solutions. A small cheese factory wanted to improve its production process, focussing on the quality of its product. The key focus was to improve the temperature monitoring in their cold rooms to keep the product fresh and increase shelf-life.
APC is an additional control layer on top of basic single input and single output control. APC can have multiple inputs and outputs that it evaluates together and combines this with the capability to do short term predictions in real-time. Adding the APC layer requires great expertise and adds complexity to your process and so, what are the real-world benefits?