Optimising my clevrHome energy consumption
My personal journey to optimise my home energy consumption and maximise solar thermal and solar PV effectiveness.
My personal journey to optimise my home energy consumption and maximise solar thermal and solar PV effectiveness.
Build a comprehensive home energy monitoring dashboard with solar, hot water, and mains power tracking using TimeScaleDB and Grafana.
Many times, during development one comes across a gap in a project that is easy to fix in essence but there are other factors at play. One such example from my work is the need for an OPC UA bridge. In this post we will explore the use cases that I have come across and build an OPC UA bridge in Python.
Even though there are energy shortages in many regions of the world, a lot of energy is still being wasted. Follow a 4-step structured approach to reduce energy costs and consumption by evaluating end-use, distribution, technology replacement, and renewable energy sources.